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Never underestimate how challenging it can be to care for a loved one with dementia. If you’re going through a tough time right now (it happens to all of us), here’s a few words of wisdom that might help you feel a bit better.

Wise words:

Why we like it:

No matter how hard you’ve tried to make the place they live now feel pleasant and comfortable, many people with dementia still insist they want to ‘go home.’ This can be very upsetting for family carers, leading to feelings of guilt and an acute sense of failure. But this eloquent sentence from the great American poet Maya Angelou, explains perfectly why the search for ‘home’ may, in fact, have nothing to do with bricks and mortar. ‘Home’ for many of us (whether we have dementia or not) simply means a place where we feel safe, loved and accepted for who we are. So stop worrying about the external things you can’t change. Instead, try to work out how you can help your loved one feel more secure and valued for who they are now, not who they used to be.

Wise words:

Why we like it:

Caring for a loved one with dementia can push you to the brink physically, mentally and emotionally. It’s no wonder perhaps that many carers look back on their darkest days and think; ‘how did I get through that? These words from First Lady of the United States Eleanor Roosevelt act as a reminder of what you gain when you face your fear. Whether your biggest challenge is helping a loved one with their personal care, dealing with their financial affairs or coping with distressing behaviour, if you can focus on the bigger picture and what it might teach you, you might find it easier to cope.

Wise words:

Why we like it:

Caring can be so difficult that it’s easy to get bogged down in the detail and complexity of each day, and lose sight of what really matters. We like this because it’s a reminder that kindness should be right at the top of everyone’s priority list. You may have burnt the dinner and not managed to do half the things you wanted to do today but if you’ve tried to be kind, you’re doing okay.

Wise words:

Why we like it:

Caring can be a thankless task. If you sometimes feel that life is passing you by, this statement should quickly put you straight. The tasks you do, day in day out, may go unnoticed, and you may often feel unappreciated, but that doesn’t mean that what you’re doing is unimportant. We think that this quote sums up perfectly just how important your role as a family carer really is.

Wise words:

Why we like it:

This statement contains a simple but profound truth. You and your loved one may have had a rotten day, but if you can retain your sense of humour and get some much-needed rest, (not always easy, we know) you will both remain pretty invincible. Laughter and sleep are a powerful combination and if you’re not getting enough of either you’re bound to be finding things hard. The good news is we have plenty of tips and ideas that might help you both feel energised and ready to start again. Take a look at our shop section…











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